Please see estimated delivery timeframes below. These shipping timeframes may be subject to change if there are high order volumes.
Region | Estimated delivery time | Shipped from |
UAE (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Sharjah) | Same day - 1 business day* | UAE |
UAE (Al Ain, Fujairah, RAK, UAQ) | 1-2 business days* | UAE |
US (Mainland) - Express Shipping** | 2-4 business days | US |
US (Mainland) - Standard Shipping | 3-8 business days | US |
Canada | 3-5 business days | UAE |
Australia | 3-5 business days | UAE |
UK | 2-3 business days | UK |
France | 2-3 business days | France |
Bulgaria, Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Poland, Austria, Ireland, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland | 3-5 business days | France |
GCC | 2-4 business days | UAE |
Asia and Rest of the World | 3-7 business days | UAE |
US (PO Box + outside Mainland) | 12-20 business days | US |
The dates mentioned above provide a guideline, shipping timeframes may be subject to change. Orders including fragrance or other HAZMAT products may take an additional 1-2 days shipping.
You will receive your tracking details when your order has been processed and ready for collection from the courier. Please allow 1-2 business days for your tracking number to activate. (If you have received your tracking information on a Friday, it may not update until Monday when the shipment is collected from our warehouse).
*The estimated delivery time for remote areas in the UAE is up to 3 business days
**Express shipping is available on all US (Mainland) orders that does not include Kayali Fragrances or Liquid Matte Lipsticks.